All FAQ Questions

The following is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice or services.  It is not intended to create any attorney-client relationships.

Why have I received a notice from LGBS?

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP (LGBS) is a law firm that represents governmental entities in the collection and resolution of unpaid fines, fees and other receivables.  These primarily relate to unpaid traffic citations, parking tickets and tolls.  You likely received a notice from LGBS because you have been identified as one who owes an unpaid receivable to a governmental client of LGBS.

What if I am financially unable to pay the fine?

If you are not taking steps to resolve your case or comply with a court order because you are financially unable to do so, we urge you to contact the Court. You may request a hearing before a Judge to consider your ability to pay.  At that time you may have the opportunity to request any alternative compliance options available. You should be prepared to document and explain to the Court your financial situation.

Is LGBS a member of any industry associations?

We are members of the American Collectors Association, National Association of Court Managers, Texas Court Clerks Association.

Does the LGBS call center service Spanish speaking individuals?

LGBS’s call center has bilingual collection staff on duty. LGBS also sends out letters for some of our clients in both English and Spanish. 

How do I get to the proper court to pay my ticket?

The letter you received will have all necessary contact information. You may also review your account on this site. 

Can I make a partial payment on the total amount due?

 Each court handles this differently.  Please contact the LGBS call center to see if partial payments are allowed on your delinquent account.

Is this the total amount due for my ticket?

We suggest you contact the LGBS call center to confirm the amount due as additional fees may have attached since we mailed the letter. You also may have additional cases pending with the court which have not been referred to LGBS for collection.

What payment methods are available to pay the fine?

Court policies vary. Generally accepted payment methods include: 1) Money order; 2) Personal check; 3) Credit/Debit Card; or 4) Electronic check payments.   Online payments may be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  While our firm accepts payments for some clients, some clients require payment to be made directly with them.  The letter you received will provide the details of these payment options.

Can I contest the charge of a traffic citation?

If a final judgement of conviction has not been entered in your case, you have the right to enter a plea of NOT GUILTY and go to trial on any offense charged. In the event you decide to plead “NOT GUILTY,” and desire a trial on the merits by means of a jury or bench trial, you must contact the Court. Of course, you can choose not to challenge the offense charged and plea “Guilty,” or “No Contest,” and pay the fine levied in your case. Understand however, in the event you do not issue a plea and simply pay the fine, a finding of “GUILTY” will be entered by the Court on the case(s). If you have any specific question, you should contact an attorney as to the plea you should enter.