Linebarger Supports Veterans’ Causes

November 16, 2023

Linebarger’s north east Texas offices have supported veterans’ causes throughout 2023, most notable among veterans are in the greatest need.

“I’m really proud of our attorneys and staff members who have devoted their time and treasure to our community,” says Jim Lambeth, Management Committee member and Managing Partner of the Tyler office. “Engaging with and supporting the communities we serve is one of our core values here at Linebarger, and I am grateful for my team’s contribution and dedication to help improve the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our nation.”

In November, Linebarger sponsored Jasper County’s Annual Stand Down event through the Texas Veterans Land Board. The event supports veterans, their families, and unhoused members of our community with clothing, food assistance, and legal and medical services.

Linebarger Partner James Guest and Area Manager Sarah Hogue were joined by Jasper County Constable Pct. 2 Niles Nichols, Jasper County Judge Mark Allen, and Jasper County Commissioner Pct. 2 Kevin Holloway, and Veteran Chester Jourdan.

Linebarger employees teamed up with Madison County staff to restock the Veteran’s Service Office food pantry this week.

Smaller food pantries, like this one housed in the Madison County courthouse, are heavily used this time of year, says Erica Greene, Veteran Service Officer.

“A lot of our local veterans depend on our food pantry to make ends meet. They may need to dip into their grocery budget for gas to make it to a doctor’s appointment, so this donation helps them tremendously,” she says.

Thank you to Madison County Veteran’s Service Office for providing such a valuable service to our local veterans.